
TAP triples flights between Porto and New York

TAP flights bring you closer to Porto and New York and will be served by one of the world's most modern aircrafts, the Airbus A321 Long Range, which offers the most advanced level of comfort, efficiency and technology.
The connections between Porto and New York/Newark will take place every day of the week except Tuesdays.
Tickets for these flights are already being sold at www.flytap.com or through the other usual channels.
Recently, TAP announced that would offer more direct flights from Porto to Brussels, Lyon and Munich.
This ramping up of routes from Porto Airport means that TAP operates 19 direct routes from Porto to Europe, the United States and also to Brazil, with a total of 288 weekly flights.
The new routes that TAP will inaugurate this year from Porto represent a 34% increase in direct connections from Porto to Europe compared to last year.
Nevertheless, it should be remembered that in 2018 the Company had already increased the number of connections to Europe with the start of operations to Barcelona, London (London City Airport), Milan and Ponta Delgada.
TAP's investment in Porto is possible thanks to the increase in the number of aircrafts.
TAP will receive 37 new aircrafts by the end of this year and 71 by 2025.
The new fleet allows the Company to fly to new destinations and boost the number of flights.